Motorcycle Riding standards

When you book with Big Bike Touring Co, you are agreeing to ride under internationally recognized riding standards as laid down across the UK, USA and Europe & Australia.

It is the Law in Thailand and across SE Asia that you must wear a helmet at all times while riding a motorbike.

We do not encourage, condone or tolerate dangerous riding. This is a danger to yourself and fellow tour members, as well as other road users.

Never drink and ride, no overtaking on corners, blind Hills or across solid and double lines on the centre of the road

You should never overtake by using the inside hard shoulder (Berm).

All of these are common sense approaches and we would hope are already part of your normal riding skills and etiquette.

If we consider you are riding recklessly and without due care and attention you will be given “a warning”, if you continue to ignore the guidelines and instructions issued and communicated by your guides, your tour will be canceled with no refund.

Our sole aim is for you to enjoy the ride and to return safely home with wonderful memories.

Think safe, ride safe, stay safe.

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